Sex Workers Anonymous
World Service Office

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Meeting Information & Sample Format

Sex Workers Anonymous Meeting Format
(Suggested Only)

Welcome to a meeting of Sex Workers Anonymous.

Our only requirement for membership is a desire to leave sex work, and/or to find recovery after having done so.

In order to protect our members', we ask that if you are not here for yourself, please take an informational brochure - and leave now and not tell anyone anything about what you've seen here. There is a number on it you can contact for assistance. This includes friends, spouses, family members, and lovers.

If you are here to support someone - please come back for them at the end of the meeting which would be at approximately (fill in the blank). This is to protect all of our members confidentiality.

(If you are a non-smoking meeting - please announce that now and tell the smokers to please wait until after the meeting, or tell them a place where they can smoke and put out the butts without leaving them on the ground and/or street or provide them with an ash can.)

Please turn off any cell phones and pagers so that we are not disturbed. If you have any phones with cameras, or any cameras, or other recording devices hidden, please be advised that you do not have our permission to record any portion of this meeting or our members. We want our members to know they are safe here - so what is said here - stays here.

While we take no stance on "outside issues" - we do ask that for the duration of this meeting that you please attend without being under the influence of alcohol, or any illegal drugs not prescribed by a doctor. If you already are, please refrain from sharing during the meeting, and stay afterwards to talk to me privately. But please stay to listen. You are all welcome here.

Would someone please read "The Twelve Steps of SWA"?

Would someone please read "The Problem of Language"?

So that we can get to know you better, we will go around the room and identify ourselves. You do not have to use your real name if you don't want to. My name is (blank) and I'm a prostitute. (go around and let everyone else identify)

I will now share for five minutes of what got me here. (speaker share) (As each meeting is autonomous - you can now free style with the content of your meeting. You might have a speaker, a book study, step study, topic discussion, question and answer, traditions study - or whatever your home group conscience dictates. This is just a sample meeting format to give you a jumping off point.) (if you have open sharing)

So that everyone gets a chance to share, please limit your sharing to three minutes or less. If you need more time, please stay after the meeting to talk. Whoever wants to share, please raise your hand and I'll call on you. No cross-talk or interrupting please.

(at about the mid-point of the meeting) I have asked someone to please read "The Twelve Traditions". Because we need to be self-supporting, and have to pay for things like litature, coffee, space rental and that sort of thing - we will now pass the basket as part of ou 7th Tradtion. We ask newcomers at their first meeting to please not contribute. (after basket is passed - reopen the second half of the meeting)

(about 10 minutes prior to the closing of the meeting) We are now running out of time. If you don't have our phone number, please be sure to get one of our cards or brochures. If you need to talk more - please stay after the meeting or join me for coffee at (blank). We will be here again at (let them know of the next meeting time).

I'd like to thank you all for coming today. If you need me to sign any court courts - please give them to me at the end of the meeting.

Can I ask for a volunteer to stay a few minutes after and help me clean up? . . . . Thank you.

Now will all please join me in a circle and a prayer (whatever prayer you wish to close with or the group conscience dictates).

End of Meeting


(SWA offers you the right to copy this format for meeting use only or to adapt to fit your meetings' needs.  Please be sure if you are setting up a meeting however, to let us know how to reach you for the referrals in your area we get. If you don't want to use your contact information to let people know about your meeting, feel free to use our contact information, and we will pass along referrals to you privately after we have screened them. We can send you masters of flyers, brochures, business cards, or whatever you need from our graphic design department with your meeting's information on it so that you can print and distribute them for your meeting.)

Sex Workers Anonymous

If you aren't sure about how to handle service for your meeting or area - we don't need to re-invent the wheel here.  The booklet on this link that NA uses seems to work just fine for us for now.  If you are interested in becoming of service on the World level - just email me to find out what's involved.  We aren't the same size as NA yet - so if you're not sure how to apply any of this to your group or area - just give me a call or email to talk about it or take a group conscience.