Sex Workers Anonymous
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Legal Issues


Legal Issues

Legal issues are ones usually our members deal with all the time - whether in the sex industry or not. 

Some of us are facing legal charges, civil cases, or trying to get our children back from foster care. or fighting to get custody of our children from someone we consider abusive. 

Some of us come into recovery with a criminal record, or on probation or parole, or involved in an alternative sentencing program that have legitimate questions on how to comply with the rules they have to comply with - yet still find a job from a legitimate company without having to lie about their legal past or problems.

Some of us leave the sex industry - but worry about past crimes catching up with us.  Others wonder about prosecuting those who did crimes to them without it distroying their new lives - or the dangers it might present to them and their loved ones.

Sure people dealing with addictions in other 12 Step fellowships sometimes have legal issues - which the fellowship does not address directly considering it an "outside issue".  But the very nature of our fellowship tends to imply that our members may be dealing with it as very much a part of their recovery.  I mean imagine if for example we were "bank robbers anonymous" - and that should explain why we think we need to be more open about talking about legal issues with our members.

It's easy for us to suggest if you have any legal problems or questions - to contact a lawyer for advice.  In reality we know that usually just when you need a lawyer the most is usually the very time you really can't afford one!

But this is no excuse for not realizing you may need legal advice and/or representation.   Some decisions can have such far reaching effects - that we can't stress strongly enough that when in doubt - you should consult a lawyer.

We have been asked for help obtaining legal assistance for our members that is free or affordable.  A few lawyers have been kind enough to offer to donate certain services to our members who need help - but they are limited to either their area of expertise or their geographical area.

I myself have found the need for an affordable lawyer to assist me with all kinds of matters very important.  Even if it's just down to helping me figure out incorporation papers for the fellowship.  When I've been in certain phases of my life - I've also not only needed an affordable lawyer - I've needed to be able to reach one from a pay phone in the middle of the night and not get an answering machine.

If you find yourself with questions about this - just ask me.  While "officially" I can't endorse any lawyer or give any legal advice - I can discuss with you my experience on this and see what I can do to help.


Sex Workers Anonymous
3333 S. Jones Blvd.
Las Vegas, NV 89146